Friday, January 4, 2013

French Onion Soup

I tend to eat a lot more soup in the winters, but even then most of them don't blow me away; this one did.  I was just playing around looking for something to eat that would use up some of the gallon and a half of homemade chicken stock in my fridge, but damned if it isn't by far the best French onion soup I've ever had.

4 C onion, thinly sliced
6 C chicken or beef stock (homemade preferably, this is such a simple soup that store-bought probably wouldn't bring enough flavor to the party.  Also, if you're using chicken stock make sure it's made with well browned chicken)
2 t dried sage, rubbed
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cloves garlic, poached for 20 minutes and smashed
1 bay leaf
3 T butter
1/2 C glace de viande or glace de volaille (you could leave it out, but it just wouldn't be the same)
1 C burgundy
Salt and pepper to taste

Melt the butter and brown the crap out of the onions slowly over low to medium low.  About a minute before the onions are done add in the chopped garlic.

Add in the rest and simmer for 45 minutes.

Traditionally this would then be topped with toasted bread and gruyere, then broiled to brown the cheese, but I thought it was just fine with a little cheese thrown in and a side of crispy garlic potatoes.

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